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Steady State Gains - Keeping Intensity on the Down Low
Do you train low intensity 'cardio'? You should! When was the last time you moved purposefully at a low intensity for more than a few...

Honesty is the best policy, for faster results!
Training with heart rate monitors gives us enormous insight into our clients efficiency and overall health. We can see when people over...

Are you HIITing your intensity goals, or are you MISSing the point?
You don’t have to look far in the fitness industry to come across the term HIIT. In the last 10 years it’s become all the rage for...

How exercise can regulate your nervous system
In the fast paced lives we live with constant stimulus from technology, minimal down time, poor food and hydration etc. As a result our...

Heart Rate Variability Training for Stress
For the last month I have been tracking and reducing stress with a device called Inner balance Sensor from Heart Math.The device cost...

Heart Rate Variability & Wellness
The rhythm of your heart changes with every single beat. The variability between beats is a good indicator of your overall wellness and...

Metabolic Training - Why HIIT Isn't Good Enough!
HIIT training or High Intensity Interval Training is all the rage in the fitness industry boasting claims that it is the fastest way...

Heart Rate Training for Accelerated Results
Fitness results and specifically fat loss or muscle gain is not about calories in vs calories out. Just as calorie intake is irrelevant...
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