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Got pain that won't quit?
If you have chronic pain that isn't changing it might be time to rethink your rehab strategy! Despite what we have all been told, it's...

Heart Rate Variability Training for Stress
For the last month I have been tracking and reducing stress with a device called Inner balance Sensor from Heart Math.The device cost...

Move It or Lose It - Inactivity Is The New Smoking
It's well known that prolonged sitting and inactivity is unhealthy, but did you know it increases your risk for all-cause mortality?...

Not sore, not sorry!
I'm forever hearing the outdated phase 'better sore than sorry!' when it comes to fitness. Why on earth is this message so dominant in...

Powerplate Vibration for pelvic and visceral health
This position is deceiving – it looks simply like something nice and cushy, a feel good gimmick. In actual fact, this machine, and this...

Foam rolling, we mean dragging!
We don't roll anymore, and neither should you. If you want more global change, less pain, and better fascial health we recommend...

You are not allowed to squat!
We are often given these rules from specialists, as instructions on how to train our clients. As movement specialists, we find these...

Decreasing pain with distraction!
Much of the time decreasing pain in the body is about removing the fear the person has about moving. Injuries or niggles that remain...

Metabolic Training - Why HIIT Isn't Good Enough!
HIIT training or High Intensity Interval Training is all the rage in the fitness industry boasting claims that it is the fastest way...

You can’t ‘stretch’ a knot out of your connective tissue!
Your body has a web like structure of elastic fascial tissue, that connects the dots between EVERYTHING. From toes to nose, skin,...

Vibration Training is no gimmick
Many people are shocked when they read 'vibration training' in our services. Powerplate Vibration training has been around for 15 years...

Wellness is greater than fitness
Wellness is a precursor to fitness. You cannot build a house on poor foundations. When it comes to fitness so many attempt to cut corners...

Rigidity is detrimental to our body!
Do you wear orthotics, use knee, ankle or back braces as a coping strategy for chronic pain or injury? If you do, it may be worth...

Injured? Don't Ice!!
Do you really think your body’s natural healing response is an error? We have been so ingrained with the old RICE (Rest, Ice,...
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