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You can’t ‘stretch’ a knot out of your connective tissue!
Your body has a web like structure of elastic fascial tissue, that connects the dots between EVERYTHING. From toes to nose, skin,...

Vibration Training is no gimmick
Many people are shocked when they read 'vibration training' in our services. Powerplate Vibration training has been around for 15 years...

Heart Rate Training for Accelerated Results
Fitness results and specifically fat loss or muscle gain is not about calories in vs calories out. Just as calorie intake is irrelevant...

How your fascia can make you look shorter and fatter than you actually are
This picture demonstrates some dramatic changes in a young girl that have occurred simply by addressing tension relationships in her...

Wellness is greater than fitness
Wellness is a precursor to fitness. You cannot build a house on poor foundations. When it comes to fitness so many attempt to cut corners...

Rigidity is detrimental to our body!
Do you wear orthotics, use knee, ankle or back braces as a coping strategy for chronic pain or injury? If you do, it may be worth...

Injured? Don't Ice!!
Do you really think your body’s natural healing response is an error? We have been so ingrained with the old RICE (Rest, Ice,...
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