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Got pain that won't quit?
If you have chronic pain that isn't changing it might be time to rethink your rehab strategy! Despite what we have all been told, it's...

Heart Rate Variability Training for Stress
For the last month I have been tracking and reducing stress with a device called Inner balance Sensor from Heart Math.The device cost...

Play for stress reduction
Did you know one of the best ways to turn off your fight/flight stress response is to play? Play creates an instantaneous relaxation of...

Don't Get Stuck That Way! Variety is Key
The more you repeat certain body positions, expressions or even thought patterns, the more you get stuck with them. You only have to look...

Heart Rate Variability & Wellness
The rhythm of your heart changes with every single beat. The variability between beats is a good indicator of your overall wellness and...

You can't separate motion from E-motion
And doesn't this picture personify this? It’s impossible to separate motion and Emotion. Emotions and feelings are expressed externally...

Do you even flow?
Have you every had that feeling of being in ‘the zone’ or going ‘with the flow?” Author of 'The rise of Superman' Steven Kotler describes...

How Heavy Is Your Posture Making Your Head?
It's no secret that many of us are losing the battle with gravity, and shrinking forward into bad posture. It's difficult to avoid...

Move It or Lose It - Inactivity Is The New Smoking
It's well known that prolonged sitting and inactivity is unhealthy, but did you know it increases your risk for all-cause mortality?...

Eat quality fats to lose fat!
The fear many have around eating Saturated Fats is still high! Fat became a 4 letter word back in the 1960's when a researcher Ancel Keys...

Detoxification is no myth & crucial for fat loss, muscle gain and health!
You can't lose weight or build muscle if you are toxic and inflamed! You probably won't feel so good either... Think detoxification is a...

Skin training and wrinkle prevention
The skin is the biggest organ in the body and gives us so much stimulation and information from the world around us. Want radiant,...

Metabolic Training - Why HIIT Isn't Good Enough!
HIIT training or High Intensity Interval Training is all the rage in the fitness industry boasting claims that it is the fastest way...

Wellness is greater than fitness
Wellness is a precursor to fitness. You cannot build a house on poor foundations. When it comes to fitness so many attempt to cut corners...

Rigidity is detrimental to our body!
Do you wear orthotics, use knee, ankle or back braces as a coping strategy for chronic pain or injury? If you do, it may be worth...
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