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Game Changing Gratitude Practice
Gratitude practice is one of those life tips that you really need to consider if you wish to enhance your health, and happiness. I had...

Do You Even De-load?
De-loading is a training principle that has been used for decades, but is highly under utilised in today’s fitness industry. De-loading...

Does food quality matter?
Everyone knows that quality matters, yet somehow when it comes to our nutrition we tend to accept the norms and believe that food...

Melatonin does more than just help you sleep!
Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone, but it’s so much more than that. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, it...

The Foot and How it Affects the Whole Body
The foot is a crucial part of our anatomy when it comes to a healthy resilient body, and strong, effective movement. Our feet carry us...

Why Do We Get Fat?
Weight loss is believed by many to occur when we eat less, and exercise more. Unfortunately this outdated weight loss prescription is...

Less is the New More for Accelerated Results
This Blog was written as an Ambassador PTA Global - See the original here In the fitness industry many people think that the more you...

How to be great in bed. At sleeping!
Some people are born lucky, they have the ability to sleep through anything! These annoying people fall asleep watching TV, or reading a...

Is your training consistent enough to get results?
Making positive fitness change can be a challenge with the many stresses and commitments that we all have. Life has a tendency to throw...

Is your cooking oil hurting your health?
There are many different types of cooking oils, and many can be detrimental to your health if used poorly! Selecting the right oil should...

Enhance Your Performance, Recovery and Health with Vibration Training
When it comes to optimizing human performance, you can’t go past whole body vibration (WBV.) Whole body vibration training is incredible...

Neurodegeneration - Do you have a leaky brain?
Do you suffer from mental blanks or does it feel like you are trying to push a thought through a cloud? Do you struggle to find the word...

Your Pelvic Floor Isn't Weak - It's Tight!!
Old school pelvic floor and core training methodologies are so ingrained in our culture, that it will take a long time to move past some...

Whether you are sick or hurt, it’s never just one thing
Often times when things hurt, we go hunting for the isolated incident, or moment that might have tweaked this area. If we wake up with a...

A Progressive Approach Injury Management
If you have been unfortunate enough to experience an acute injury, then there is no doubt you are familiar with the traditional RICE...

How to Bulletproof Your Fascia
This blog was written for Living Bulletproof in Australia: See the original here In the Bulletproof community, we know about the...

What on Earth is Forest Bathing?
Forest bathing is the process of immersing yourself in nature. The Japanese call it Shinrin-yoku, which translates to taking in the...

Do You Laugh Enough For Your Health?
Laughter is infectious. It breaks tension, enhances connection, and makes everyone feel good! Laughter is said to be the 'best medicine'...

What does it REALLY take to get results?
Gradually we are breaking the old fitness belief systems and more people are starting to come around to the idea that less really does...

Heart rates don't Lie!
Getting the Polar Team heart rate system for our studio 3 years ago was life changing for us. It changed the way we trained clients...
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